Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Indian Anti-Penguin Sentiment

I have shocking, no, APPALLING news: on Monday Albert was denied admission to the Taj Mahal!!!!!

How could this happen in today’s world? Maybe a 100 years ago but, surely, humanity has progressed farther than this? This is probably the most odious case of arbitrary and cruel discrimination in the history of the sub-continent!!!! (Not counting the ones involving humans.) Yes, Albert (or “the small toy” as the security guards rudely referred to him) was forced to stay in the coat check while I gazed upon one of humanity’s greatest artistic triumphs. Albert cried all the way home from Agra and today he mentioned he might go home early since he’s not wanted here. I bought him a small Taj Mahal snow globe keychain (pictured) but we both know the fact of the discrimination hurts more than missing the sightseeing.

Albert has several theories about why India is so backward when it comes to penguins.

Low appreciation of cuteness. Have you ever noticed how there are no adorable, Hello Kitty type cartoon characters from India, even though they purport to be Asians? I don’t see how they can ever catch up to China with this attitude.

Drugs. Like in that movie Traffic where the little dolls are made of cocaine.

Taboos on dark skin. Indians favor pallor. (In fact, I have been meaning to mention that L’Oreal Paris sells a face-lightening cream here with the distressing name “White Beauty.”) North Indians are less well-pigmented than south Indians and religious minorities are lighter than Hindus: thus, skin color is both politically and socially significant. Albert, who is dark enough to blend into Tamil Nadu in summer, believes he may have fallen victim to the color prejudices of the north Indians.

Tropical chauvinism. The belief that creatures from cooler areas are highly likely to attempt to subjugate the people they meet by initially establishing trade relationships, slowly encroaching upon local political and economic independence, and finally taking direct control. Albert has no idea where these nasty rumors get started.

Rabies precautions. Most animals in India are strays, after all.

I will guiltily admit that I enjoyed seeing the Taj Mahal for a second time, nonetheless. It’s one of those few places that are better than you imagine they will be.

This is also true of the 7th Harry Potter book, which I read over the weekend. Highly recommended.


lor said...

I am shocked at the treatment of the artic-american by what I can only describe equitorialists.

Anonymous said...

Albert is soooo cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and as a Chinese person, I can say that Japan is the epicenter of cuteness. China has good art, but lacks that kind of graphic design sense.

Faith said...

What, did you miss the sign in the guardpost that read, "Be careful when admitting stuffed penguins. THEY MAY BE TERRORISTS!!!" ??
Love the blog, hope you're well!